Source code for text_extraction

import sys
import logging as log

import os
import json
from csv import DictReader
from lxml import etree as ET
import re

## Minor helper functions to help simplify
## the apparent logic of extracting out
## annotations

[docs]def create_annotation_entry( begin_pos = -1 , begin_pos_mapped = None , end_pos = -1 , end_pos_mapped = None , raw_text = None , pivot_attr = None , pivot_value = None , parity = None , tag_name = None ): new_entry = dict( begin_pos = begin_pos , end_pos = end_pos , raw_text = raw_text , type = tag_name ) ## if( begin_pos_mapped != None ): new_entry[ 'begin_pos_mapped' ] = begin_pos_mapped ## if( end_pos_mapped != None ): new_entry[ 'end_pos_mapped' ] = end_pos_mapped ## if( pivot_attr != None ): new_entry[ 'pivot_attr' ] = pivot_attr if( pivot_value != None ): new_entry[ 'pivot_value' ] = pivot_value if( parity != None ): new_entry[ 'parity' ] = parity return new_entry
[docs]def map_position( offset_mapping , position , direction ): """Convert a character position to the closest non-skipped position. Use the offset mapping dictionary to convert a position to the closest valid character position. We include a direction for the mapping because it is important to consider the closest position to the right or left of a position when mapping the start or end position, respectively. :param offset_mapping: a dictionary mapping character positions to ``None`` if the character is in the skip list or to an int, otherwise :param position: current character position :param direction: 1, if moving right; -1 if moving left :returns: character position if all skipped characters were removed from the document and positions re-assigned or ``None``, on KeyError """ if( not bool( offset_mapping ) ): return None else: try: while( offset_mapping[ position ] == None ): position = str( int( position ) + direction ) return offset_mapping[ position ] except KeyError: if( direction < 0 ): return 'EOF' elif( direction > 0 ): return 'SOF' else: return None
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[docs]def extract_annotations_xml( ingest_file , offset_mapping , annotation_path , tag_name , namespaces = {} , begin_attribute = None , end_attribute = None , text_attribute = None , optional_attributes = [] , normalization_engines = [] ): log.debug( "Entering '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) found_annots = {} strict_starts = {} ## tree = ET.parse( ingest_file ) root = tree.getroot() ## try: found_annots = root.findall( annotation_path , namespaces ) except SyntaxError as e: log.warning( 'I had a problem parsing the XML file. Are you sure your XPath is correct and matches your namespace?\n\tSkipping file ({}) and XPath ({})\n\tReported Error: {}'.format( ingest_file , annotation_path , e ) ) log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) return strict_starts ## log.debug( 'Found {} annotation(s) matching the pattern \'{}\''.format( len( found_annots ) , annotation_path ) ) for annot in found_annots: if( begin_attribute != None ): try: begin_pos = annot.get( begin_attribute ) begin_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , begin_pos , 1 ) except NameError as e: log.error( 'NameError: {}'.format( e ) ) if( end_attribute != None ): ## TODO - add flag to distinguish between conditions ## when the end_pos marks the last character ## vs. when the end_pos is the position after ## the last character try: end_pos = annot.get( end_attribute ) end_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , end_pos , -1 ) except NameError as e: log.error( 'NameError: {}'.format( e ) ) if( text_attribute == None ): raw_text = annot.text else: raw_text = annot.get( text_attribute ) new_entry = create_annotation_entry( begin_pos = begin_pos , begin_pos_mapped = begin_pos_mapped , end_pos = end_pos , end_pos_mapped = end_pos_mapped , raw_text = raw_text , tag_name = tag_name ) ## TODO - do we need to sheild this in case an optional attribute ## doesn't exist in the annotation or does Python (and ## later etude engine code) handle a null correctly/safely? for optional_attr in optional_attributes: new_entry[ optional_attr ] = annot.get( optional_attr ) ## TODO - do we need to sheild this in case a normalization engine ## doesn't exist in the annotation or does Python (and ## later etude engine code) handle a null correctly/safely? for normalization_engine in normalization_engines: if( normalization_engine in annot.attrib ): new_entry[ normalization_engine ] = annot.get( normalization_engine ) ## if( begin_pos in strict_starts ): strict_starts[ begin_pos ].append( new_entry ) else: strict_starts[ begin_pos ] = [ new_entry ] ## return strict_starts
[docs]def extract_annotations_xml_spanless( ingest_file , annotation_path , tag_name , pivot_attribute , parity , namespaces = {} , text_attribute = None , optional_attributes = [] ): log.debug( "Entering '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) found_annots = {} strict_starts = {} ## tree = ET.parse( ingest_file ) root = tree.getroot() ## try: found_annots = root.findall( annotation_path , namespaces ) except SyntaxError as e: log.warning( 'I had a problem parsing the XML file. Are you sure your XPath is correct and matches your namespace?\n\tSkipping file ({}) and XPath ({})\n\tReported Error: {}'.format( ingest_file , annotation_path , e ) ) log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) return strict_starts ## log.debug( 'Found {} annotation(s) matching the pattern \'{}\''.format( len( found_annots ) , annotation_path ) ) for annot in found_annots: pivot_value = annot.get( pivot_attribute ) new_entry = create_annotation_entry( pivot_attr = pivot_attribute , pivot_value = pivot_value , parity = parity , tag_name = tag_name ) ## for optional_attr in optional_attributes: new_entry[ optional_attr ] = annot.get( optional_attr ) ## if( -1 in strict_starts ): for old_entry in strict_starts[ -1 ]: ## TODO - current logic allows multiple instances of the same type ## if they differ on their pivot_value. This is good for topic ## tagging or similar annotations but is bad for most instances ## of publication date or author tagging. if( new_entry[ 'pivot_value' ] != old_entry[ 'pivot_value' ] ): strict_starts[ -1 ].append( new_entry ) break else: strict_starts[ -1 ] = [ new_entry ] ## return strict_starts
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[docs]def extract_annotations_json( ingest_file , raw_content , offset_mapping , annotation_path , tag_name , begin_attribute = None , end_attribute = None , optional_attributes = [] , normalization_engines = [] ): log.debug( "Entering '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) found_annots = {} strict_starts = {} ## with open( ingest_file , 'r' ) as fp: raw_json = json.load( fp ) ## TODO - we're assuming four levels to the annotation path ## because that's what our first sample dataset has. This needs to ## be made generic (preferably through integration with a JSONPath ## library). levels = annotation_path.split( '/' ) type_key , type_value = levels[ 2 ].split( '=' ) if( levels[ 0 ] in raw_json ): for aset in raw_json[ levels[ 0 ] ]: if( type_key in aset and aset[ type_key ] == type_value ): ## TODO - this branching tree in the JSON is currently ## hard-coded but should not be. We need to integrate ## this path into the config file as well for annot in aset[ 'annots' ]: begin_pos = annot[ 0 ] begin_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , begin_pos , 1 ) end_pos = annot[ 1 ] end_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , end_pos , -1 ) raw_text = raw_content[ begin_pos:end_pos ] new_entry = create_annotation_entry( begin_pos = begin_pos , begin_pos_mapped = begin_pos_mapped , end_pos = end_pos , end_pos_mapped = end_pos_mapped , raw_text = raw_text , tag_name = tag_name ) ## if( begin_pos in strict_starts ): strict_starts[ begin_pos ].append( new_entry ) else: strict_starts[ begin_pos ] = [ new_entry ] ## return strict_starts
[docs]def extract_brat_text_bound_annotation( ingest_file , annot_line , offset_mapping , tag_name , line_type, optional_attributes = [] ): ## Continuous: ## T1 Organization 0 43 International Business Machines Corporation ## Discontinuous (0..23): ## T1 Location 0 5;16 23 North America ## T1 Location 0 5;8 12;16 23 North America ## TODO - add flag to accommodate different scoring styles for ## discontinuous spans. Current approach treats these ## spans as equivalent to the maximal span of all sub-spans. matches = re.match( r'^(T[0-9]+)\s+([\w\-]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+;[0-9]+\s+)*([0-9]+)\s+(.*)' , annot_line ) if( matches ): found_tag = 2 ) if( found_tag != tag_name and found_tag != line_type): return None match_index = 1 ) begin_pos = 3 ) begin_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , begin_pos , 1 ) end_pos = 5 ) end_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , end_pos , -1 ) raw_text = 6 ) new_entry = create_annotation_entry( begin_pos = begin_pos , begin_pos_mapped = begin_pos_mapped , end_pos = end_pos , end_pos_mapped = end_pos_mapped , raw_text = raw_text , tag_name = tag_name ) new_entry[ 'match_index' ] = match_index for optional_attr in optional_attributes: new_entry[ optional_attr ] = 'false' return new_entry else: log.warning( 'I had a problem parsing a brat text-bound annotation line ({}):{}'.format( ingest_file , annot_line ) ) return None
[docs]def extract_brat_relation( ingest_file , annot_line , tag_name , optional_attributes = [] ): ## T3 Organization 33 41 Ericsson ## T4 Country 75 81 Sweden ## R1 Origin Arg1:T3 Arg2:T4 return None
[docs]def extract_brat_equivalence( ingest_file , annot_line , optional_attributes = [] ): ## T1 Organization 0 43 International Business Machines Corporation ## T2 Organization 45 48 IBM ## T3 Organization 52 60 Big Blue ## * Equiv T1 T2 T3 return None
[docs]def extract_brat_event( ingest_file , annot_line , tag_name , optional_attributes = [] ): ## T1 Organization 0 4 Sony ## T2 MERGE-ORG 14 27 joint venture ## T3 Organization 33 41 Ericsson ## E1 MERGE-ORG:T2 Org1:T1 Org2:T3 return None
[docs]def extract_brat_attribute( ingest_file , annot_line , optional_attributes = [] ): ## A1 Negated T34 ## TODO - support multi-valued attributes ## A2 Confidence E2 L1 matches = re.match( r'^([AM][0-9]+)\s+(\w+)\s+([TREAMN\*][0-9]+)$' , annot_line ) match_index = None attribute = None key = None attribute_value = 'true' if( matches ): attribute = 2 ) match_index = 3 ) if( attribute in optional_attributes ): key = attribute return( [ match_index , attribute , key , attribute_value ] ) else: log.warning( 'I had a problem parsing a brat attribute line ({}):{}'.format( ingest_file , annot_line ) ) return None
[docs]def extract_brat_normalization( ingest_file , annot_line , normalization_engines = [] ): ## N1 Reference T1 Wikipedia:534366 Barack Obama matches = re.match( r'^(N[0-9]+)\s+Reference\s+([TREAMN\*][0-9]+)\s+([^:]+):([^\s]+)\s+(.+)$' , annot_line ) match_index = None normalization_engine = None normalization_id = None normalized_value = None if( matches ): match_index = 2 ) normalization_engine = 3 ) normalization_id = 4 ) normalized_value = 5 ) if( normalization_engine in normalization_engines ): return( [ match_index , normalization_engine , normalization_id , normalized_value ] ) else: return( None ) else: log.warning( 'I had a problem parsing a brat normalization line ({}):{}'.format( ingest_file , annot_line ) ) return None
[docs]def extract_annotations_brat_standoff( ingest_file , offset_mapping , type_prefix , tag_name , line_type , optional_attributes = [] , normalization_engines = [] ): log.debug( "Entering '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) annots_by_index = dict() ## try: with open( ingest_file , 'r' ) as fp: for line in fp: line = line.rstrip() brat_annotation_type = line[ 0 ] if( brat_annotation_type == 'T' ): ## T1 Organization 0 43 International Business Machines Corporation new_entry = extract_brat_text_bound_annotation( ingest_file , line , offset_mapping , tag_name , line_type, optional_attributes ) ## A non-None entry means we were able to parse the line if( new_entry != None ): annots_by_index[ new_entry[ 'match_index' ] ] = new_entry ## TODO - support discontinous spans: ## T1 Location 0 5;16 23 North America ## T2 Location 10 23 elif( brat_annotation_type == 'A' or brat_annotation_type == 'M' ): ## A1 Negated T34 new_attribute_value = extract_brat_attribute( ingest_file , line , optional_attributes ) if( new_attribute_value[ 0 ] != None and new_attribute_value[ 0 ] in annots_by_index and new_attribute_value[ 2 ] != None ): annots_by_index[ new_attribute_value[ 0 ] ][ new_attribute_value[ 2 ] ] = new_attribute_value[ 3 ] elif( brat_annotation_type == 'R' ): ## R1 Origin Arg1:T3 Arg2:T4 new_entry = extract_brat_relation( ingest_file , line , tag_name , optional_attributes ) elif( brat_annotation_type == '*' ): ## * Equiv T1 T2 T3 new_entry = extract_brat_relation( ingest_file , line , optional_attributes ) elif( brat_annotation_type == 'E' ): ## E1 MERGE-ORG:T2 Org1:T1 Org2:T3 new_entry = extract_brat_relation( ingest_file , line , tag_name , optional_attributes ) elif( brat_annotation_type == 'N' ): ## N1 Reference T1 Wikipedia:534366 Barack Obama new_normalization = extract_brat_normalization( ingest_file , line , normalization_engines ) if( new_normalization is not None and new_normalization[ 0 ] is not None and new_normalization[ 0 ] in annots_by_index and new_normalization[ 1 ] is not None and new_normalization[ 2 ] is not None ): annots_by_index[ new_normalization[ 0 ] ][ new_normalization[ 1 ] ] = new_normalization[ 2 ] ##elif( brat_annotation_type == '#' ): ## ## Do nothing. We don't support comments. ## except IOError as e: log.warning( 'I had a problem reading the standoff notation file ({}).\n\tReported Error: {}'.format( ingest_file , e ) ) log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) strict_starts = {} for match_index in annots_by_index: new_entry = annots_by_index[ match_index ] begin_pos = new_entry[ 'begin_pos' ] if( begin_pos in strict_starts ): strict_starts[ begin_pos ].append( new_entry ) else: strict_starts[ begin_pos ] = [ new_entry ] return strict_starts
[docs]def extract_annotations_semeval_pipes( ingest_file , offset_mapping , tag_name , optional_attributes = [] ): log.debug( "Entering '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) strict_starts = {} ## try: with open( ingest_file , 'r' ) as fp: for line in fp: line = line.rstrip() cols = line.split( '|' ) ## TODO - we treat all discontinous spans as the maximal span spans = cols[ 1 ].split( '-' ) begin_pos = spans[ 0 ] begin_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , begin_pos , 1 ) end_pos = spans[ -1 ] end_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , end_pos , -1 ) raw_text = '' cui = cols[ 2 ] new_entry = create_annotation_entry( begin_pos = begin_pos , begin_pos_mapped = begin_pos_mapped , end_pos = end_pos , end_pos_mapped = end_pos_mapped , raw_text = raw_text , tag_name = tag_name ) new_entry[ 'CUI' ] = cui ## TODO - parse optional attributes, attribute ordering #for optional_attr in optional_attributes: # new_entry[ optional_attr ] = 'false' if( begin_pos in strict_starts ): strict_starts[ begin_pos ].append( new_entry ) else: strict_starts[ begin_pos ] = [ new_entry ] except IOError as e: log.warning( 'I had a problem reading the pipe-delimited notation file ({}).\n\tReported Error: {}'.format( ingest_file , e ) ) log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) return strict_starts
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[docs]def extract_annotations_csv( csv_file , delimiter , tag_name , begin_column = None , end_column = None , text_column = None , optional_attributes = [] ): log.debug( "Entering '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) found_annots = {} strict_starts = {} ## with open( csv_file , 'r' ) as fp: csv_dict_reader = DictReader( fp ) for cols in csv_dict_reader: ## TODO - the begin column and end column are ## hard-coded. These should be extracted from the ## configurable values of: pattern_entry[ 'begin_attr' ], ## pattern_entry[ 'end_attr' ] begin_pos = cols[ 'START' ] begin_pos_mapped = begin_pos end_pos = cols[ 'END' ] end_pos_mapped = end_pos raw_text = cols[ 'SPAN' ] new_entry = create_annotation_entry( begin_pos = begin_pos , begin_pos_mapped = begin_pos_mapped , end_pos = end_pos , end_pos_mapped = end_pos_mapped , raw_text = raw_text , tag_name = tag_name ) ## TODO - do we need to sheild this in case an optional attribute ## doesn't exist in the annotation or does Python (and ## later etude engine code) handle a null correctly/safely? for optional_attr in optional_attributes: ## Empty negation columns appear to also mean 'affirmed' if( optional_attr == 'affirmed' and cols[ 'NEGATION' ] == '' ): new_entry[ optional_attr ] = "true" elif( cols[ 'NEGATION' ] == optional_attr ): new_entry[ optional_attr ] = "true" else: new_entry[ optional_attr ] = "false" ## if( begin_pos in strict_starts ): strict_starts[ begin_pos ].append( new_entry ) else: strict_starts[ begin_pos ] = [ new_entry ] ## return strict_starts
[docs]def extract_annotations_tsv( tsv_file , raw_content , offset_mapping , tag_name , optional_attributes = [] ): log.debug( "Entering '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) found_annots = {} strict_starts = {} ## TODO - I re-used this bit from ## extract_annotations_plaintext(). Is there a reason to do this ## rather than direct string positional extraction? I'm concerned ## that there may be a mutli-char bug lurking in either this ## choice of the other choice. Hmmm. list_of_chars = list( raw_content ) ## with open( tsv_file , 'r' ) as fp: tsv_dict_reader = DictReader( fp , delimiter = '\t' , fieldnames = [ 'index' , 'start' , 'end' ] ) for cols in tsv_dict_reader: if( cols[ 'end' ] is None ): continue begin_pos = cols[ 'start' ] begin_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , begin_pos , 1 ) end_pos = cols[ 'end' ] end_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , end_pos , -1 ) raw_text = ''.join( list_of_chars[ int( begin_pos ):int( end_pos ) ] ) new_entry = create_annotation_entry( begin_pos = begin_pos , begin_pos_mapped = begin_pos_mapped , end_pos = end_pos , end_pos_mapped = end_pos_mapped , raw_text = raw_text , tag_name = tag_name ) ## if( begin_pos in strict_starts ): strict_starts[ begin_pos ].append( new_entry ) else: strict_starts[ begin_pos ] = [ new_entry ] ## return strict_starts
[docs]def extract_annotations_plaintext( offset_mapping , raw_content , delimiter , tag_name ): strict_starts = {} init_offset = 0 last_offset = 0 ## list_of_chars = list( raw_content ) ## for char in list_of_chars: if( delimiter , char ) ): ## Skip when we see multiple of the same delimiter in a row if( init_offset == last_offset ): init_offset += 1 last_offset = init_offset continue begin_pos = str( last_offset ) begin_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , begin_pos , 1 ) ## TODO - add flag to distinguish between conditions ## when the end_pos marks the last character ## vs. when the end_pos is the position after ## the last character last_offset = init_offset + 1 end_pos = str( init_offset ) end_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , end_pos , -1 ) raw_text = ''.join( list_of_chars[ int( begin_pos ):int( end_pos ) ] ) new_entry = create_annotation_entry( begin_pos = begin_pos , begin_pos_mapped = \ begin_pos_mapped , end_pos = end_pos , end_pos_mapped = end_pos_mapped , raw_text = raw_text , tag_name = tag_name ) ## if( begin_pos in strict_starts ): strict_starts[ begin_pos ].append( new_entry ) else: strict_starts[ begin_pos ] = [ new_entry ] init_offset += 1 ## if( last_offset < init_offset ): begin_pos = str( last_offset ) begin_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , begin_pos , 1 ) ## TODO - add flag to distinguish between conditions ## when the end_pos marks the last character ## vs. when the end_pos is the position after ## the last character last_offset = init_offset + 1 end_pos = str( init_offset ) end_pos_mapped = map_position( offset_mapping , end_pos , -1 ) raw_text = ''.join( list_of_chars[ int( begin_pos ):int( end_pos ) ] ) new_entry = create_annotation_entry( begin_pos = begin_pos , begin_pos_mapped = begin_pos_mapped , end_pos = end_pos , end_pos_mapped = end_pos_mapped , raw_text = raw_text , tag_name = tag_name ) ## if( begin_pos in strict_starts ): strict_starts[ begin_pos ].append( new_entry ) else: strict_starts[ begin_pos ] = [ new_entry ] ## log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) ## return strict_starts
[docs]def write_annotations_to_disk( annotations , out_file ): log.debug( "Entering '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) if( out_file == None ): log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) return ## ## TODO - add directory existence check with open( out_file , 'w' ) as output: json.dump( annotations , output , sort_keys = True , indent = 4 ) log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) )
[docs]def split_content( raw_text , offset_mapping , skip_chars ): log.debug( "Entering '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) list_of_chars = list( raw_text ) init_offset = 0 mapped_offset = 0 for char in list_of_chars: if( re.match( skip_chars , char ) ): offset_mapping[ '{}'.format( init_offset ) ] = None else: offset_mapping[ '{}'.format( init_offset ) ] = '{}'.format( mapped_offset ) mapped_offset += 1 init_offset += 1 log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) return offset_mapping
[docs]def extract_chars( ingest_file , namespaces , document_data , skip_chars = None ): log.debug( "Entering '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) offset_mapping = {} ## cdata_flag = False attribute_flag = False if( 'cdata_xpath' in document_data ): cdata_flag = True content_path = document_data[ 'cdata_xpath' ] elif( 'content_attribute' in document_data ): attribute_flag = True content_path = document_data[ 'tag_xpath' ] attribute_name = document_data[ 'content_attribute' ] else: log.debug( "Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) return None , offset_mapping ## tree = ET.parse( ingest_file ) root = tree.getroot() ## try: found_annots = root.findall( content_path , namespaces ) except SyntaxError as e: log.warning( 'I had a problem parsing the XML file. Are you sure your XPath is correct and matches your namespace?\n\tSkipping file ({}) and XPath ({})\n\tReported Error: {}'.format( ingest_file , content_path , e ) ) log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) return None , offset_mapping ## raw_text = None log.debug( 'Found {} match(es) for the pattern \'{}\''.format( len( found_annots ) , content_path ) ) if( len( found_annots ) > 1 ): log.warning( 'Expected to only find a single pattern matching content XPath (\'{}\') but found {}. Using first match.'.format( content_path , len( found_annots ) ) ) elif( len( found_annots ) == 0 ): log.warning( 'Expected to find exactly one match for content XPath (\'{}\') but found {}. Returning empty document content.'.format( content_path , len( found_annots ) ) ) log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) return None , offset_mapping for annot in found_annots: if( cdata_flag ): raw_text = annot.text break elif( attribute_flag ): try: raw_text = annot.attrib[ attribute_name ] break except KeyError as e: log.warning( 'KeyError: could not find attribute_name {} in the matched path \'{}\''.format( e , content_path ) ) raw_text = None ## if( raw_text != None and skip_chars != None ): offset_mapping = split_content( raw_text , offset_mapping , skip_chars ) log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) return raw_text , offset_mapping
[docs]def extract_json_chars( ingest_file , document_data , skip_chars = None ): log.debug( "Entering '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) offset_mapping = {} ## raw_text = None with open( ingest_file , 'r' ) as fp: raw_json = json.load( fp ) if( document_data[ 'content_jsonpath' ] not in raw_json ): log.debug( 'JSON name pair not found for content JSONPath (\'{}\')'.format( document_data[ 'content_jsonpath' ] ) ) else: raw_text = raw_json[ document_data[ 'content_jsonpath' ] ] ## if( raw_text != None and skip_chars != None ): offset_mapping = split_content( raw_text , offset_mapping , skip_chars ) log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) return raw_text , offset_mapping
[docs]def extract_plaintext( ingest_file , skip_chars ): offset_mapping = {} ## with open( ingest_file , 'r' ) as fp: raw_text = if( raw_text != None and skip_chars != None ): offset_mapping = split_content( raw_text , offset_mapping , skip_chars ) return raw_text , offset_mapping
[docs]def extract_piped_text( ingest_file , skip_chars ): offset_mapping = {} ## with open( ingest_file , 'r' ) as fp: raw_text = if( raw_text != None and skip_chars != None ): text_body = raw_text.split( '\t||||\t' )[ -1 ] offset_mapping = split_content( text_body , offset_mapping , skip_chars ) return raw_text , offset_mapping
[docs]def align_tokens_on_whitespace( dictionary , out_file ): if( out_file != None and os.path.exists( out_file ) ): os.remove( out_file ) mapping = dictionary[ 'offset_mapping' ] keys = list( mapping ) content = dictionary[ 'raw_content' ] keys.sort( key = int ) token_start = None for this_token in keys: ##print( '{}\t{}\t{}'.format( token_start , ## this_token , ## mapping[ this_token ] ) ) if( mapping[ this_token ] != None and token_start == None ): token_start = this_token elif( mapping[ this_token ] == None and token_start != None ): if( out_file != None ): with open( out_file , 'a' ) as fp: fp.write( '{}\n'.format( ##token_start , previous_token , content[ int( token_start ):int( this_token ) ] ) ) token_start = None
#print( '{} vs. {}'.format( len( dictionary[ 'raw_content' ] ) , # len( dictionary[ 'raw_content' ] ) ) ) ############################################# ## #############################################
[docs]def extract_annotations( ingest_file , namespaces , document_data , patterns , skip_chars = None , out_file = None ): log.debug( "Entering '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) raw_content = None annotations = {} offset_mapping = {} file_dictionary = {} if( bool( document_data ) ): if( 'format' in document_data and document_data[ 'format' ] == 'txt' ): try: raw_content , offset_mapping = extract_plaintext( ingest_file , skip_chars ) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] log.error( 'Uncaught exception in extract_plaintext: {}'.format( e ) ) elif( 'format' in document_data and ( document_data[ 'format' ] == '.ann .txt' or document_data[ 'format' ] == '.phi .text' ) ): annot_suffix , txt_suffix = document_data[ 'format' ].split( ' ' ) plaintext_alternate_file = re.sub( '{}$'.format( annot_suffix ) , txt_suffix , ingest_file ) try: raw_content , offset_mapping = extract_plaintext( plaintext_alternate_file , skip_chars ) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] log.error( 'Uncaught exception in extract_plaintext: {}'.format( e ) ) elif( 'format' in document_data and document_data[ 'format' ] == 'csv' ): 1 ## no-op for now. TODO - make this function more flexible elif( 'format' in document_data and document_data[ 'format' ] == '.pipe .text' ): ## TODO use format to change filename according to pattern ## document_data[ 'format' ] piped_text_alternate_file = re.sub( '.pipe$' , '.text' , ingest_file ) try: raw_content , offset_mapping = extract_piped_text( piped_text_alternate_file , skip_chars ) except NameError as e: log.error( 'NameError in extract_piped_text: {}'.format( e ) ) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] log.error( 'Uncaught exception in extract_piped_text: {}'.format( e ) ) elif( 'format' in document_data and document_data[ 'format' ] == 'JSON' ): raw_content , offset_mapping = extract_json_chars( ingest_file , document_data , skip_chars ) else: try: raw_content , offset_mapping = extract_chars( ingest_file , namespaces , document_data , skip_chars ) except ET.ParseError as e: log.warning( 'ParseError in file ({}): {}'.format( ingest_file , e ) ) log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) return offset_mapping , annotations except UnicodeEncodeError as e: print(( '{}'.format( e ) )) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] log.error( 'Uncaught exception in extract_chars: {}'.format( e ) ) if( skip_chars and raw_content == None ): log.error( 'I could not find the raw content for this document but was asked to ignore its whitespace. Add document data to the config file for extracting raw content or use the --heed-whitespace flag.' ) log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) return offset_mapping , annotations ## Normalization engines are global for the config file ## rather than pattern-specific norm_eng = [] if( 'normalization_engines' in document_data ): norm_eng = document_data[ 'normalization_engines' ] for pattern in patterns: new_annots = None if( 'delimiter' in pattern ): if( pattern[ 'delimiter' ] == ',' ): new_annots = \ extract_annotations_csv( csv_file = ingest_file , delimiter = \ pattern[ 'delimiter' ] , tag_name = pattern[ 'type' ] , optional_attributes = \ pattern[ 'optional_attributes' ] ) elif( pattern[ 'delimiter' ] == '\\t' ): new_annots = \ extract_annotations_tsv( tsv_file = ingest_file , raw_content = raw_content , offset_mapping = offset_mapping , tag_name = pattern[ 'type' ] , optional_attributes = \ pattern[ 'optional_attributes' ] ) else: new_annots = \ extract_annotations_plaintext( offset_mapping = offset_mapping , raw_content = raw_content , delimiter = \ pattern[ 'delimiter' ] , tag_name = pattern[ 'type' ] ) elif( 'format' in document_data and document_data[ 'format' ] == '.pipe .text' ): new_annots = \ extract_annotations_semeval_pipes( ingest_file , offset_mapping = offset_mapping , tag_name = pattern[ 'type' ] , optional_attributes = \ pattern[ 'optional_attributes' ] ) elif( 'type_prefix' in pattern ): norm_eng = [] if( 'normalization_engines' in document_data ): norm_eng = document_data[ 'normalization_engines' ] opt_attr = [] if( 'optional_attributes' in pattern ): opt_attr = pattern[ 'optional_attributes' ] new_annots = \ extract_annotations_brat_standoff( ingest_file , offset_mapping = offset_mapping , type_prefix = \ pattern[ 'type_prefix' ] , tag_name = pattern[ 'type' ] , line_type = pattern [ 'short_name' ] , optional_attributes = opt_attr , normalization_engines = norm_eng ) elif( 'xpath' in pattern and 'begin_attr' in pattern and 'end_attr' in pattern ): new_annots = \ extract_annotations_xml( ingest_file , offset_mapping = offset_mapping , namespaces = namespaces , annotation_path = pattern[ 'xpath' ] , tag_name = pattern[ 'type' ] , begin_attribute = \ pattern[ 'begin_attr' ] , end_attribute = \ pattern[ 'end_attr' ] , optional_attributes = \ pattern[ 'optional_attributes' ] , normalization_engines = norm_eng ) elif( 'jsonpath' in pattern ): new_annots = \ extract_annotations_json( ingest_file , raw_content = raw_content , offset_mapping = offset_mapping , annotation_path = pattern[ 'jsonpath' ] , tag_name = pattern[ 'type' ] , begin_attribute = \ pattern[ 'begin_attr' ] , end_attribute = \ pattern[ 'end_attr' ] , optional_attributes = \ pattern[ 'optional_attributes' ] , normalization_engines = norm_eng ) elif( 'xpath' in pattern and 'pivot_attr' in pattern ): new_annots = \ extract_annotations_xml_spanless( ingest_file , namespaces = namespaces , annotation_path = pattern[ 'xpath' ] , tag_name = pattern[ 'type' ] , pivot_attribute = \ pattern[ 'pivot_attr' ] , parity = \ pattern[ 'parity' ] , optional_attributes = \ pattern[ 'optional_attributes' ] ) else: print( 'WARNING: Skipping pattern because it is missing essential elements:\n\n{}'.format( pattern ) ) ## if( new_annots != None ): for new_annot_key in new_annots: if( new_annot_key in annotations ): ## TODO - If multiple patterns are associated with the same type ## and we're evaluating annotations at the document level ## (or otherwise want at most one instance of an annotation ## type at a given position), then we need to de-dup some ## of the annotation entries before combining them here. combined_annots = annotations[ new_annot_key ] + new_annots[ new_annot_key ] ## Fixed: If pattern and type are the same, the annotation is ## counted twice. if( new_annots[ new_annot_key ] == annotations[ new_annot_key ] ): ##print(new_annots[ new_annot_key ], annotations[ new_annot_key]) ##print("\n") combined_annots = annotations[ new_annot_key ] annotations.update( { new_annot_key : combined_annots } ) else: annotations.update( { new_annot_key : new_annots[ new_annot_key ] } ) ## file_dictionary = dict( raw_content = raw_content , offset_mapping = offset_mapping , annotations = annotations ) ## ## try: write_annotations_to_disk( file_dictionary , out_file ) except IOError as e: log.error( 'IOError caught in write_annotations_to_disk: {}'.format( e ) ) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] log.error( 'Uncaught exception in write_annotations_to_disk: {}'.format( e ) ) log.debug( "-- Leaving '{}'".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name ) ) return offset_mapping , annotations